How can I avoid fines? Why do I have a library fine?

See tips on how to avoid fines and blocks. Return items in person or by post before they are due.

You may incur library fines from having overdue items, late return of recalled items or lost items on your account.

  • Borrowing is suspended until any overdue items are returned.
  • Items considered lost attract additional costs and fees.
  • Fines below $20 will still allow borrowing.
  • University blocks from Student services will also suspend borrowing.

If you are a staff member or student leaving UNSW, remember to return all UNSW Library books and interlibrary loans. Books that are not returned will incur a fee.

To ensure you are eligible to graduate, remember to return all items and pay any outstanding Library fines. Library fines over $100 will block your graduation.

UNSW students can pay fines online through your UNSW Online Account. Find out alternate methods for paying fines.

Contact the Library if you have lost a library book, cannot return your loans on time or you are not sure why an item is on your account.

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