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Resource recommendations are available for UNSW research staff or HDR candidates to support your research.

Recommendations will be reviewed in line with the Collection Development Strategy.

See Requesting new resources for additional information for teaching academics and students.

Before you request this item can you confirm that you have already checked the Library collection? *
Requested Item Details


Only material published in the last five years, excluding current year, will be considered. Please use our InterLibrary Loan service for resources prior to 2020. 

Resources published in 2025 or soon to be published do not need to be requested. UNSW Library has automatic acquisition processes in place.


Journals are subscribed on an annual basis - January to December. If articles are required urgently, please use the InterLibrary Loan Service.

Type of Resource *
Are you requesting this item on behalf of a School or Centre? *
Further Details

Please provide additional information on the value of this title to the Library's collection. Please provide as much information as possible.

Please note that we have systems set up with publishers to auto acquire titles soon to be published. Material published in the last five years, excluding current year, will be considered. For older material, staff and eligible students can apply for an interlibrary loan.

The Library will notify you of the outcome of your recommendation. Please allow 6-10 weeks.

Fields marked with * are required.